For this Take the Time Tuesday, I'm going to do something different. I'd like to share with you some of my friends and family, people I'd be pleased for you to meet in person some day. They are all beautiful people, filled with love.
Take the time to meet...
Some of Pure Jeevan's Friends and Family!?
The birthday girl, Rhia, asleep on her beautiful Nani?
Here are some pictures from the weekend trip to Virginia. We all had a great time---stayed up super late, got up early, spent lots of time talking and laughing and dancing! Rhia is gorgeous and loves spending most of her time with her beautiful Nani. They are very connected and it's sweet to see how much they love each other.
Proud Daddy and Mommy, Rajesh and Anamika
Rajesh and Anamika threw a great party for their daughter Rhia's first birthday! The place was filled with friends and family celebrating sweet little Rhia's special day. They have a beautiful new home, sweet baby, and loving family. Who could ask for any more than that?
Sweet Harbinder, with the loving soul?
I was able to spend time talking with family I haven't seen in a few years, too. Seeing the sweet, loving soul of Harbinder is always a highlight of my visits to Virginia. Her voice is like a melodious bird and her spirit is light and filled with laughter and love. She has great spiritual wisdom.
Surendra, Jim, Udai, Rhia's DaaDaa
There was a DJ and very loud music, so some of the guys sat at the far end of the party hall so that they'd be able to hear each other better. I have to admit that I cropped this picture to cut out a plate of meat that was on the table. Jim didn't eat much, if any, raw food while we were in Virginia. The first night he felt a little too full, but then I think he quickly got used to eating the cooked food and fully enjoyed it all. Most of all, however, he loved the company of our dear family. Surendra is on a spiritual path, meeting with his Guru for initiations and learning a lot. He is a great source of inspiration to me. Udai is my bhai and I love him dearly. I did miss my other bhai, Pavan, but he is living away from Virginia at this time with his lovely wife and son.
KDcat with the beautiful Helai
KDcat had a great time. She loves parties and staying up late dancing all night. Helai has always been so beautiful, from a very young age. It was nice hearing about her life as a young adult. I tried to capture some images of another lovely niece, Amita, but she was moving all over the place socializing and having lots of fun. ;-)
Handsome Arjun
If anyone could steal attention away from the birthday girl, it would be Arjun. It would be unintentional, however. He simply walks into a room and the place lights up and heads turn to admire his beauty. He's much more than beautiful, however; he's a genuinely sweet young man who's filled with enormous love for others and for life. He has a desire to be a model and act in Bollywood, so if you have any contacts you'd like to share with him, let me know.
Mamta, KDcat, Deborah, Wendi, Mohtarama, Anamika
We didn't want the party to end. It's not often enough that we all get to spend time together. However, we made plans to spend the next morning together before we had to depart. The time goes by too quickly when you are spending it with people you love.
Growing Marcus and Deborah
Deborah stopped by the next day and I was happy that Marcus came along to visit. Marcus has grown so much since the last I saw him and I was surprised at how tall he is! He's not done growing, either. He wants to be a graphic artist, so don't ask him about playing basketball. ;-)
Nasrin, Helai, Mohtarama, Nader
I was finally able to meet sweet baby Nader. He's full of happiness and smiles.I loved holding him and looking into his beautiful eyes. His pretty mommy, Nasrin, is obviously a great mommy to him. I love children!
Mohtarama, Wendi, Deborah, Mamta
I love my friends more than I can ever express. They are beautiful women with immense love and warmth. I look forward to spending time with them again in the near future.
A side note about eating raw when away from home:
My dear friend, Mamta, is famous for her generosity in feeding everyone her delicious Indian food. It was difficult for her to not be able to prepare foods for me, but she had a fridge full of organic veggies and fruits waiting for me when we arrived! I did good around the food---it smelled and looked amazing, and I know from countless years that it tastes just as good, but I didn't desire to eat it. I explained that I love her food---it's actually the best tasting food that I've ever eaten---but I don't want to eat something that tastes great but doesn't make me feel as great as I feel on raw. She understands, but it's a hard thing for her to not be able to feed me since it's not only part of her personality, but part of her culture, as well. I have to admit, and I called to tell her, that the car ride home was more difficult. I was exhausted and KDcat was eating aloo paratha (amazing potato stuffed bread) and the closed-in car kept the smell dancing beneath my nose, tempting me the entire ride home. As I was drifting off to sleep during the ride, I had visions of taking the paratha into my hands and eating it! I didn't, of course, but I did want it.
Original Comments
Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.
On February 26, 2008, wrote:
Fabulous pictures! What a beautiful group of friends and family you have. Wendi...you look radiant.
On February 26, 2008, wrote:
Thanks, Penni! You are so sweet! :-D
Thanks for stopping by!
Lots of love to you,
On February 26, 2008, wrote:
Great pictures! Thanks for posting them.
On February 27, 2008, wrote:
Thanks, Melissa! I love you as much as I love all the friends in these pictures.