I'm posting this at the end of a busy day, but let's see what I can call fun in just an ordinary day.
It was fun singing at the top of my lungs with KDcat in the car today--both of us over exaggerating the vocals and giggling a lot.
Even though he wouldn't call it fun, it was kind of fun taking care of Jim who had one of his wisdom teeth extracted yesterday late afternoon. I woke super early to check on him (he wanted to stay up all night watching movies with ice on his cheek so that he wouldn't wake to a swollen face--and it worked!). He was dozing a bit, in a sitting up position, and I was so happy to see that his face wasn't swollen. I made him some orange banana smoothies, refilled his ice pack, and just kept a loving eye on him. That was fun, in a strange way.
I had some good cuddle time with our puppy Julia, and some extra fun with her in her training class (she did so much better this evening--no fighting with her brother this time!). She's so cute and playful--it's always a fun time just watching her.
When I dropped KDcat off with a friend for an evening of card making (for Valentine's Day), I had some spare time so I was able to sit and chat with a friend for some time. That was a nice and unexpected time.
A friend of mine returned from a nice getaway with her family, so I spent about an hour on the phone catching up with all that she did and sharing what has been going on with me (and Pure Jeevan). It's always fun spending time with a friend (even if it's on the phone), isn't it? :-)
It's always fun checking our stat counter (a site that lets us know how many people come to visit our Pure Jeevan site and blog--don't worry, it doesn't share your information with us, just lets us know someone stopped by for a visit). We know you are stopping by, so if you feel like leaving a small comment, please do. It would make our day even more fun!! With every comment we receive, I do a little happy dance--it's great to meet so many wonderful people! We hope we're doing something good in sharing ourselves with you and possibly motivating you to live a healthier, happier, more fulfilled life.
Now it's late, but we don't have any big plans for tomorrow (just tidying up a bit and doing some grocery shopping at the co op). So, we are going to stay up extra late and watch a movie (Jim is picking it out, so I'm not sure what it will be).
Sunday we get to meet the boyfriend of a dear friend and that's going to be the most fun of our weekend! He has brought happiness, joy, laughter, and love into our friend's life and for that we celebrate (not that she didn't have all of that before, but now she has it in abundance!). We're looking forward to meeting this amazing man and having some fun getting to know him.
What did you do today? If you think you didn't do much, what can you remember that made you feel a bit happy? Do you have any plans for the coming future to bring some fun and happiness into your life? We'd love to hear about what you've been up to!
Lots of love to every single one of you!