I'm still doing my nine-day mono meals for Navratri. Since it's Makin' It Monday, instead of actually makin' a recipe, I'm dreamin' about it! After talking with my sweet friend Melissa, I thought I wanted to eat spinach pie when I end my mono meals. She was talking about it, shared how she was going to create it, and my mind was filling with the image of spinach pie, the smell and taste of it, and I wanted it right then.But, we don't have any spinach in the house right now. Since I end my mono meals after tomorrow's lunch, and don't have time to buy spinach at the food co-op, I decided to dream some more about what I'll be eating for tomorrow's dinner.
Then it came to me. I want beet pasta! Not just any beet pasta, but beet pasta topped with a creamy alfredo sauce! I picture it in my mind; I can imagine the taste of it, the texture, and it's so delicious. I think I want something green with it, too. Perhaps I'll start with a small salad. Ooh! Yes, that's what I'll do!
This dreaming about what I'll be makin' is causing me to salivate as much as our puppy, Julia. ;-) I'll be sure to have Jim pick up the special battery for our camera, so that I can take a picture of my meal tomorrow night. It might seem like it's not such a big deal, but after nine days of mono meals, I'm truly looking forward to this like no other meal that I can remember.
I have a feeling that I'm craving the beets because I need more iron. I've been plugging my daily food intake into a nutritional program and it hasn't been easy to get a lot of iron without eating greens (not something I want to consume as a mono meal---I'm just not that brave). I keep thinking about parsley, too. I'll probably chop some up and put it on top of the pasta dish!
Eating only mono meals has given me a new appreciation for the magic that happens when different foods are combined. It may be healthier to eat mono meals, but there's something to be said for the creative abilities of humans in blending different foods together to create not only delicious, but beautiful, meals!?