Know Any Literary Animal Lovers?

Hi there PureJeevan readers! We wanted to let you know that Jim's new novel CHROO is available on Amazon. It's a crazy adventure involving a billionaire heiress, her Chihuahua BFF ("Chroo") and a host of human and animal characters. Find out more on Amazon! Here are some links:

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I had to write an update after my grocery shopping today! Remember I said just yesterday that sometimes people comment about the amount of produce we are buying? Well, a sweet older woman saw all of the bananas going into our cart and she asked, "What are you going to do with all of those bananas " You already know the response I gave: "Eat them!"

One of the really nice workers at the food co op commented that he can eat about eleven bananas sometimes. I told him, and another friend we saw shopping at the same time, that I can do that now, too. I explained how I used to get full on just one banana when I ate cooked foods. But, now that my system is so much cleaner and healthier, I can consume 10-11 bananas in a day (bananas should be covered with brown specks to truly be ripe and digestable). I don't remember the maximum I ever ate in a day--it's somewhere in my Going Raw journal, I'm sure. It might have even been more than 10 or 11 when I was going through my major banana-eating phase. Now I eat about 4-6 bananas a day, which doesn't seem like a lot to me (but in the past I would have wondered about all of those bananas in someone's cart, too!).

The whole digestion thing is pretty amazing. My digestion has always been poor and slow. Food used to sit in my stomach for so long that I'd get headaches that felt like they were from lack of nutrition (now I realize they probably were). But, I couldn't eat again, since my stomach hadn't processed the food. Even though my digestion is so much better now, it's still not perfect----which is why my iron is still not at a healthy level. Some people don't produce enough stomach acid, according to the holistic doctor I see, and that causes certain things like iron to not become properly absorbed, even if you are eating a balanced diet. I know that the longer I eat raw foods, the healthier I'll get and my body will be able to absorb iron and work efficiently.

While I was there piling the bananas into our cart, my friend said, "Let's see what's in *your* cart!" I giggled to myself, since I had just written about looking into others' carts just a day ago.So, this time someone was checking out MY cart! She seemed to approve of the variety. At the checkout, the person bagging said it was such a pretty assortment of foods and a fun one to pack. He, too, asked about the bananas. He also asked if we had a restaurant. "No" Do we organize a food-buying club? "No, we just eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies." ;-)? I don't think it's always necessary to state that we eat only raw foods. Sometimes just seeing what we eat and noticing our health and energy might motivate others to do the same, without having to understand there's such a thing as a raw food diet.

Original Comments

Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.

On February 11, 2008, Melissa wrote:

I wish I saw you there yesterday...I would have loved to take a peek into your cart! If you think of it next time...bring a camera and take a picture to post!

We had some delicious veggie juice from some of our coop produce this morning: kale, cuke, carrot, apple. Ella LOVED it and couldn't get enough--which surprised me because it was such a dark color!
