April 12, 2008
Today we are doing some Spring cleaning and getting rid of stuff that has been collecting that we don t really need or use. I just finished the bananas (eight of them) and later I ll start eating the oranges that we have. I have plenty of oranges to get me through the day and into tomorrow until we go shopping. I m hopeful that there will be cantaloupes at the food co-op tomorrow. It would be fun to have a cantaloupe day!
How many days do I have left? I guess three? Overall, it hasn t really been all that difficult.
Today I am feeling true hunger! I ate eight bananas this morning and then six small oranges around lunch time. Now I am very hungry and will eat more oranges. I have to continue with the oranges in the morning, too, since I have to grocery shop tomorrow.
I ate four oranges, and I have to say that even though I was feeling hungry I wasn t really into eating them. They weren t overly sweet and they didn t feel all that great in my belly. Now I m wondering if I m feeling hunger or something else. I m wondering that because I see all kinds of other foods I d like to eat the bread my daughter is eating right now, the pasta she ate earlier, and I would really love to eat some cooked (and even fried! EEK!) Indian food. I really think the cravings are much worse doing this mono meal eating than they ve been over the past year and a half, or so, since I ve been 100% raw.
I do think that I m not done detoxing and that I m not even close to what is ahead of me. There are things that make me think this first, I know I have a lot of stored emotional stuff that needs to be released, still. Next, my ears have never completely cleared up like they did the one time I was doing the master cleanse for a few weeks. Also, my skin isn t perfect. Sure, it looks fantastic and people tell me that my skin is incredible, but I know it s not as good as it could be. I still get blotchy, especially on my nose and areas of my cheeks, and most days I have some small bumps under my skin (they seem to come and go). I m not complaining, however. I feel and look so much better than I did when I was consuming cooked foods! Even if I never get to the level of being completely detoxed and filled with unbelievable health, I am still so much healthier than I ever was in the past.
Total Expense for bananas consumed: $10.81
Total Expense for oranges consumed: about $4.00