Today, for Take the Time Tuesday, I'd like to introduce you to an online social networking Web site for those with similar interests to get together, meet, and hang out in the physical world. If you haven't already heard about it, check it out!
Take the time to meet....
The people at Meetup say that they are led by a big idea: ?We want to see the world's people self-organize. We believe that people can change their world, or the world by organizing themselves into groups - Meetups - powerful enough to make a difference.
Meetups help people:
? Find others in their area who share their interests
? Learn, teach, and share things
? Make friends and have fun
? Rise up, stand up, unite, and make a difference
? Be a part of something bigger both locally and globally
But, why on earth would we introduce you to an online meeting place? Because, if you are into raw foods, or are interested in learning more about them, it's a great place to meet similar people who are living in your local area! There are raw food Meetups all over the place and if there isn t one already in your local area, you can easily start one. You may be surprised at how many people are interested in raw foods!
In December of 2006, I heard about a local raw food Meetup group. I had made a personal choice to go raw and travel down my new raw path by myself (well, with my family at my side if they wanted to join me--and they did!), but I still joined the group at that time. I knew in the future, after I felt comfortable with my new raw lifestyle, I would want to reach out and meet others who were interested in raw foods, as well. That time has come! I no longer feel like I'm doing this on my own, for only myself. Now I feel like eating raw food is something I've done for myself, but it's something I also want to share with anyone interested in learning more about it.
This month we ll be hosting the local raw food Meetup here in our home. A close friend of ours has gone to some of the meetings in the past and said the people are genuinely nice and the food is amazing. Not everyone in the group is completely raw, and many are only curious about raw foods.We're happy to meet everyone in the group, and we ll be sure to take pictures and afterward share our thoughts about the Meetup.
According to the Meetup statistics, there are 17,668 members in 182 Raw Food Meetups, with 5,518 waiting for a Meetup to get started! Check it out---maybe there s a raw food Meetup in your area! (Scroll down to find the Raw Food link after clicking the "Check it out" link, above.)
Original Comments
Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.
On February 5, 2008, wrote:
I'm really looking forward to the potluck this month at your home!
On February 6, 2008, wrote:
Thanks, Melissa! We are looking forward to it, too! I'm going to put out my raw food books, in case anyone wants to look through them (as you suggested). :-)
Lots of love to you!