To keep all of you inspired while we are away, we've asked some
remarkable individuals to share their raw food stories with you. Enjoy!
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="350" caption="Debbie Young and Her Daughter Sam"][/caption]
?I need you to see the oncologist, right away. Nothing can describe how it feels when that sentence is spoken to you. My routine blood test in December of 06 showed an elevated white blood cell count. I retested, thinking it was nothing. It went higher. So it was, indeed, something.
Fast-forward to an unfriendly encounter with a massive needle and 3 more blood tests in spring of 2007. Sitting nervously with the onc, he says its CLL, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia to be exact. I squeeze my husband s hand even tighter. It s at Stage Zero, no symptoms. There is no treatment. Say s the prognosis is good, all the markers are good, so he gives me 7-10 years. An expiration date, if you will.
Um, What?
Then 47, I seemed healthier than most, rarely sick, the one who took care of everyone, a whirling dervish of activity. Did I mention that I was the mother of a 6 year old, step mom to a 16 year old, wife, auntie and sister? This can t be right. I mean, is he saying I will never see my daughter graduate, get married and have children? Is he saying I won t see my step kid graduate from college, or become a grandma to her kids either? I thank him, leave through the crowded waiting room and I am at peace. It could have been much worse. I could have gotten less than 2 years. I m one of the lucky ones.
- Bunny, Debbie, Rawbin, and Wendi at Raw Spirit
Pre Cancer, the Internet was mainly used for emailing friends, looking up info and reading Perez Hilton. After my diagnosis, it has become my lifeline, my hang out, my support system and the source of my salvation, my raw foods diet. I searched day and night, read all about CLL, read about miracle diets, cures, all supposed to shut down the cancer factory that was my bone marrow. I cried, I screamed, I laughed and was encouraged, I thought I would lose my mind. But the truth is, I found my life.
A girl was on TV, she was young and cute and oh, yeah, she had incurable cancer. Hubby says she has a book, crazy sexy, what? I don t know. I told him I don t have time to mess around with some stupid book like that. Kept reading, starting meditating, looking for toxins, quit using deoderant, got distlled water. I was like a health detective, determined to find out who done it. The most likely suspect turned out to be? well, me, Mrs. Young, In the Kitchen, With a Frying Pan.
So was I cured? Did I just become canser free with one juicing session or one raw food meal ? No, actually, I got worse. Many people were concerned, told me maybe it was not going to work. But I knew it was working. I had seen painful lumps on my finger joints dissolve under my fingertips, my lower back pain was gone, I dropped over 15 lbs in the first year, my sleep improved, a skin tag dissapeared, my elimination was, finally, normal. I had energy galore and felt lighter in a way I cannot describe adequetely. My love of writing and sharing my life bloomed with my blog. I started getting colonics, juiced green every day, cut sugar, all cooked and processed foods, diary, meat, caffiene and alcohol out of my life. I made the farmers market my main place of business and friendships formed there too. Whole Foods is my pharmacy, like Kris likes to say!
Here is how my blood work went: (Normal white count is 11K or less)
3/07 At first onc visit: 17K
4/07 At bone marrow biopsy: 21K
7/07 23K
9/07 27K
12/07 (1 ? months raw) 29K and I weighed 138 lbs
3/08 17k
7/08 14.9K
10/08 14.9K weight 126 lbs
At the last appointment, I asked if I could go for six months instead of 3 months and he agreed, warning me that I have a compromised immune system, and that if I got sick I needed to contact my Doc immeadiately. I never get sick. So whose immune system is low? Not mine!
I am sure of the fact that I will be raw for the rest of my life. CLL is part of that life, part of me. I am at peace with it. I always remind myself: I have Leukemia, it doesn t have me! I am so very blessed by my networks and friends on line, many of whom I have had the pleasure to meet and hug in person. My story is not over and I don t have an expiration date stamped on my forehead. May anyone who wishes to live life to the fullest find the joy of living raw foods and juicing! It literally has saved my life and I am so very grateful for that and for all my fellow raw friends.
Much Love
Peach out
You can find out more about Debbie Young, and CLL, by visiting the following sites:
- This will explain what CLL is: Disease Characteristics?
- Debbie Does Raw Blog
- crazy sexy life forum (I am an ambassador there too)
- Give it to me raw
- Raw Fu!?
Original Comments
Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.
On February 12, 2009, wrote:
Hey Jim and Wendi!
Thanks so much for this!
For all who want to find my blog it is
the links are not working in the article.
On February 12, 2009, wrote:
and twitter is not working either, I am there under debbiedoesraw!
On February 12, 2009, wrote:
You are amazing! Keep it up sweet angel. We all love reading about your progress. I know that you inspire my community daily.
You're pretty dang cool too Wendi!
Peace & RAW veggies,
Kris Carr
On February 12, 2009, wrote:
I LOVE You, Debbie!!!! Your story is a complete one of hope and inspiration to so many people. Your beautiful energy and and loving spirit is a gift to all who know you. I can't wait to be with you again....even if I have to get that broom dusted off and charged up!! I admire you and believe your story will only continue to lead the way to others facing similar life challenges.
On February 12, 2009, wrote:
Miss Kris! You know you are my lifesaver, I just crawled aboard your crazy sexy ship and whoooooo hoooooooo, what a trip it has been and continues to be!
Much love and Congrats on YOUR amazing god pod of healing love
On February 12, 2009, wrote:
Love you BACK Penni!!!! I can't wait either, RSF Santa Barbara? Let's get a room with the Laughing Yogi just for .. well.. laughs!
Brooms ready, let's Fly! you always inspire me to be a bit more adventurous in the raw kitch!
love and peaches
deb xoxoxoxo
On February 12, 2009, wrote:
Such a wonderful inspiring, heartfelt shot of courage and willingness.
Isn't amusing that the shorter the expiration date our food has, the longer our own body's date becomes. Colonics & green juices that oxidize in minutes beat the pants off cand of soup & bagd of chips with 3 year expiration dates stamped on their dusty bottoms!
I am so glad you found your way and know that this is your raw life!
I am grateful to know you and share this raw world with you.
Big Love
On February 12, 2009, wrote:
Oh wow Debbie - what a story! And what you've been through! Ah yes the wonderful blessed amazing power of our bodies to heal themselves, rejuvenate, revitalize with the simple use of raw foods. Incredible. You're fantastic!
On February 12, 2009, wrote:
You (and Sam) were one of the first raw goddesses I discovered when I began this journey seven months ago. Your stories, adventures, recipes, book recommendations, all have been a tremendous resource. Your spirit continues to uplift and inspire me. Thank you for being such a bright, shining Light of hope and encouragement. I just adore you.
On February 12, 2009, wrote:
Jen Thanks so much, deep bows to you.. I always love to see your face on twitter and read about your adventures, esp. the Ed Grimley Hair chronicles. I must say!!
Glad that we are pals, just wish all us raw folks lived in one place, but then it would not be so interesting to hear about each others hoods!
love and peace
On February 12, 2009, wrote:
Thank you Mind X! I am so blessed to have raw and the incredible, loving giving community of raw minded folks.
Keep watching, my story is nowhere near over yet!
next test April 8th!
deb xoxo
On February 12, 2009, wrote:
Oh EM, you know I get excited each time I see your little icon pop up on my blog, you always have such encouraging and kind words for me and my Sam! I love your blog so much, you are inspiring me too!
I will keep on truckin' on this raw road so stay tuned for more fun adventures at DDR!
much love to you
deep bows
On February 12, 2009, wrote:
Debbie -
you are amazing here, as always. Your fortitude and passion has inspired so many others, countless others.
Thank you for sharing your story here, and thank you sweet Wendi for making this possible on your blog!
Love to all,
On February 12, 2009, wrote:
Your style of writing always makes me chuckle. This time, it also made me cry. I'm so glad you found raw food so we can keep you around much longer! I wish I had time to visit with you longer than that Fast Saturday at RSF. I hope to see you longer in Santa Barbara RSF! Hug your little Sam for me, okay
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Wonderful story Debbie. I've bookmarked your blog and can't wait to start following it more. I am so happy that you found this raw food lifestyle and I love your attitude that leukemia doesn't "have" you! With an attitude like that you can take on the world! Love and light to you!
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Such a wonderful story. You are so amazing, keep on rockin girl! :)
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Debbie - you so rock girlfriend! So glad to see your story are such an inspiration!
Love and hugs, Tina
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
I�m glad you feel better and happy that you found this lifestyle and stuck to it enough to know it works, that is what I hope for many out there who are looking for a light in their lives.
Thanks for sharing your story, it is so important.
Wish you all the health!
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Love you and your amazing light , it is nice to see other Mom's being raw!
love deb
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Oh Pippi, you know how I feel about you and that cute horse! I know we will see each other soon, at RSF! I hope you can attend my 100th birthday, we are planning a hike in Griffith Park with lots of raw cake for everyone!
much love
Pippi 2
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
You continue to amaze and inspire me! You are the real deal and I love you for it! Thank you.
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
your perspective is nothing short of inspiring! personal stories like yours make me feel more human- part of something bigger, you know
i am astounded by the network of loving kindness that spreads like wildfire in this community!
thanks for sharing, and much healing & light to you and yours
~ violet
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Thanks for sharing your inspiring story Debbie! You kick patootie! :) I'm so glad you were able to face this head on and turn things around, again very inspiring.
Much love to you!!
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Congrats Debbie gal!
Your light shines so bright! I love hearing about your story and celebrating your success!!!!
(i got a good report yesterday as well. i think we are on the same blood test rotation schedule... hahaah. next bone marrow for me is in May.)
Love ya,
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Hi Debbie,
I was thrilled to read your story; I had only bits and bobs of it since meeting you at the gym and getting to know you the past year. You are a courageous, loving and light-filled woman and I am so glad you have found your healing path.
I think daily you show us all how any circumstance in our lives - be it health, situational or emotional -- is an opportunity to find out who we really are, how much our lives and our loved ones mean to us.
Keep shinin', Deb; you have a world of support around you.
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Tina! Thanks so much and back at you!!!!!
stay green and in the pink!
deb xoxoxo
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Hey Linda, Like you , I love to share my story! I can only hope that others get on the raw train and catch the healing vibes!
love deb
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Hey Lanae!
Thanks so much.. I love you too!
Stay green my lady, it is the only way to heal.
love MOM
aka Deb
PS Lanae is one of my "adopted" kids from Crazy Sexy life forum!
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
It is so true Violet, the raw community is so giving and helpful and full of loving kind folks.
Don't want to think about where I would be without all of them!
love deb
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Hi Hi Heidi!
Love you and YS and YS2 right back! Inspiration is the spark, then we need to keep that eternal raw flame cooking!.. or un cooking!
love deb
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Dear Rhonda!
I have been thinking of you and meaning to write.. you are a canser ass kicker of the first order girl!
Good luck on the bmb, they are not fun.. glad you got good test results!
DEb xooxoxxo
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Hey WBH!
Me too, my feeling is that this test will be very close to normal or normal white count!
all fingers, toes and eyes crossed!
love you
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
oh Maddie,, you are just the sweetest! Thanks so much, I know that kicking butt at the gym helps this healing bod too! I appreciate all your support and caring!
love deb
PS see you at shift and lift!
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Debbie, some of this I didn't know! Thank you so much for sharing this!!! Love you big!!!
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Thanks to YOU! There is a lot of sharing and inspiring going on with this
series. I'm happy to have had the chance to host the stories for
everyone--and happy that you agreed to join in on it!
Sorry about the broken links. They were fixed as soon as we returned home.
Lots of love to you!
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Aww, thanks for your sweet comment! I love you, Kris!
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Thanks for your comment. This has been a wonderful series and a lot of
people have been inspired by the stories that were shared. :-) I'm happy
to have hosted it. Maybe we'll collect more stories and do it again in the
future. :-)
Lots of love to you, my gypsy friend!
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
no worries Wendi, I am pretty easy to find!
Thanks for allowing me to share my story and for sharing your heart with us all!
love deb xoxoxo
On February 13, 2009, wrote:
Debbie I just have to tell you how much I love you as a are so incredibly supportive to so many, and just all out inspiring. You make me laugh, you make me cry, you just make me feel good. I'm so glad that you are around and healthy. And I pray that you continue to get stronger, healthier, and more involved to share your experience, your love, and your joy! I know I don't know you personally, but I feel like I know your heart. You are an angel. Thank you. From one Debbie to another...Peace! :)
On February 14, 2009, wrote:
You know I miss you so bad.. thanks for coming here to visit me!
You are a warrior mister, don't you forget that.. stay green or I will personally come to your apt and make you guzzle smoothies!
love you
deb xoxoox
On February 14, 2009, wrote:
To the other raw Deb!
You are so sweet! I try to just open a vein (dr humor!) and let it bleed on to the page, let everyone see what this journey is like.. and tell it from the heart and soul.
Thank you so much for your kind prayers and words.
Love and Peace!
On August 14, 2010, wrote:
Very thorough. I have one question. What do you use instead of deodorant? I've been thinking about that... and I heard Kangen or other alkaline waters are definitely better than distilled... I can't wait to hug you in person...
On April 8, 2013, wrote:
Thank you Debbie! Love your story!
How are you doing?
I was diagnosed in nov' '11. Watch and wait until Jan '13. I/m half way through my chemo treatment. in Nov '11 my WBC was 61. Jan '13 WBC was at 139. I'm very interested in your diet. Like you, I never get sick. I work out daily and eat good. But I want to eat great.