Know Any Literary Animal Lovers?

Hi there PureJeevan readers! We wanted to let you know that Jim's new novel CHROO is available on Amazon. It's a crazy adventure involving a billionaire heiress, her Chihuahua BFF ("Chroo") and a host of human and animal characters. Find out more on Amazon! Here are some links:

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With love in my heart, I present this gift to the entire raw and living foods community:

Original Comments

Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.

p class='originalcommentintro'>On August 31, 2008, Connie wrote:

That is incredible! I don't even know where to start! It was also nice to see you move and hear you talk. lol! Sometimes we all seem like paper dolls on here, it made you seem "real." :) Thank yuo for this wonder~full gift! You are such a credit to the raw community.



On August 31, 2008, hihorosie wrote:

YAY!!! CONGRATULATIONS! You did an awesome job Wendi! Much love, hugs, kudos to you and Jim.

On August 31, 2008, Shirley Copeland wrote:

Thank you sooooooooooooo much.

Love and Blessings


On August 31, 2008, Pixywinks wrote:

Thank you and Jim for all of your hard work and thoughtfulness. It's so nice to have a place to go find what you need. What a lovely gift!!!


Pixy Lisa

On September 1, 2008, bitt wrote:

whoo hoo off to check it out. BTW, you look good!

On September 1, 2008, Patty and Denny wrote:

Excellent idea! Just the thing that's needed to help us all more easily follow the raw/living food way of eating. You're probably the hardest working person we've ever met. Thanks!

On September 1, 2008, Rawbin wrote:

oooh! Yay! I'm going there now. THANKS Wend and Jim!!!

On September 1, 2008, michelle wrote:

WOW, this is fantastic!!! I'm even in the directory already!! How cool is that ??

Thanks for this!!


On September 1, 2008, Randomguru wrote:

Hi Wendi... you look mavelous! And, I'm checking out the new directory right now... thanks for contributing so much to the raw/living food community. xo carlos

On September 1, 2008, weare1 wrote:

Thank you sooo much this truly is a wonderful gift...

On September 2, 2008, Penni wrote:

Just getting caught up on everything I missed while I was away this past weekend....I LOVE seeing you on video!! Thank you for being such a special you. The directory is fabulous!


On October 15, 2008, WendiDee wrote:

Thanks, everyone! Don't forget to use the every time you have a need! I've found for myself that I forget to go there, first, for a faster access to the info I'm searching for on the Net! It takes time to get into a new, more efficient habit!

Also, please add as much information as you can! This is an amazing resource for ALL of us!!

Thanks for all the support and love!!
