I love that we are a member of the local CSA. We picked up our fresh veggies yesterday and then headed to the food co op to get the rest of what we'd need. I think I bought too much, though, because the refrigerator is packed full. What I wanted most of all were the lettuces. We got a bag of mixed greens, but I knew I needed more so I bought two huge heads of green leaf lettuce. When I was packing the veggies into bags for the refrigerator last night, I wasn't hungry but I wanted to eat, anyway. Of course, I didn't, though.
From the farm we have: swiss chard, collards, kale, turnip greens, beet greens, mixed lettuce, green beans, kohlrabi (someone put this on the trade table--and I didn't even see them offered anywhere else, so I picked them up and traded half of my herbs because I have more than enough herbs growing in my own backyard), a small summer squash, leeks, scallions, very small cabbage, beets, blueberries, lime basil (I took half my share of this since I don't have this growing in my garden), parsley (even though I have this growing, you can never have enough parsley!), fresh flowers.
On top of that we bought all kinds of things at the food co op. I guess we were hungry when we were shopping, though, since we really do have a lot of food in the hosue now. We bought lettuce, tomatoes (ours aren't getting red, yet, in the garden), baby coconut, ginger, celery, green peppers (ours aren't big enough to pick, yet), onions, garlic, lots of fruit, zucchini (green and yellow), lots of bulk nuts (these are the most expensive things I think we buy), and miscellaneous other things that we were either out of or running low on.
It's going to be a great week of fresh eating! I'm sure we'll have more than enough for next week, too, which is good because our food budget is spent (and we had to dip into the savings by $28 to cover the amount we went over for the month).
Having those fresh veggies from the farm is what inspired me to eat even healthier and has me wanting to go raw. It just seems more natural to me to eat fresh veggies without cooking them.
I'm feeling happy because of all the fresh veggies in the house! ;-)
My period isn't quite started, yet, but I still have hopes that this is more than spotting going on. I had that pain in my lower back again this morning--maybe it's from the beet juice? My ears are feeling very congested and my sinuses are draining. I should look over what I ate the last few days to see if there was any wheat or dairy in my diet. Other than those things, though, I think physically I feel good.
* Creative Health Institute program
* Sunfood Cuisine
* 1/3 of a medium cantaloupe, room temperature (husband and child said they would have preferred it cold, but I really prefer fruit at room temperature, so I didn't bother chilling the cantaloupe last night when we bought it)
* Huge veggie salad (inspired by something I had at a friend's home) made of zucchini "pasta", carrots, green pepper, yellow zucchini, celery, tomatoes (large and cherry), garlic, garlic scapes, oil, lemon juice, realsalt, chives, basil, lime basil, parsley, scallions
* Small handful of sesame tamari crackers
* Small amount of basil hummus
* 3/4 of peanutbutter and bilberry spread on sprouted wheat bread
* 1/2 handful of walnuts
* juice of beets, carrots, beet greens
* greenbeans very lightly cooked (still *very* crunchy) with onion, garlic, red pepper, sesame seeds, chives, thyme, real salt, scallions, broccoli (very lightly cooked)
* Large salad with just greens and some chives and olive oil with real salt