Know Any Literary Animal Lovers?

Hi there PureJeevan readers! We wanted to let you know that Jim's new novel CHROO is available on Amazon. It's a crazy adventure involving a billionaire heiress, her Chihuahua BFF ("Chroo") and a host of human and animal characters. Find out more on Amazon! Here are some links:

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Well, Wendi and our daughter, KDcat, are headed out this evening on a train for their cross-country tour. They didn't seem so sad to leave ... maybe it's because of the bounty they're taking with them! Check it out in the banner above as well as the snapshots below! (I've included a list at the end of many of the products.)

Natural Zing has been Pure Jeevan's favorite online source for all of our raw food supplies. They have been very supportive of Pure Jeevan for over a year, and they continue to amaze us with their love and generosity. You'll be hearing more about Natural Zing during the tour, because they're Wendi and KDcat's official snack sponsors for the trip!

It'll take a few days for Wendi and KDcat to reach Oregon. Once there, they plan to rent a car and begin their trek. They'll be beaming lots of content my way while they're gone -- pictures, videos, and no-doubt stories of their raw adventures over 40 days and nights! So, I'll be keeping the home fire burning here once again.The fun starts later this week!

If you recall, the last time I managed the blog solo (a few months back), it was because Wendi was away from the computer for an extended period of time while healing from Lyme. Thankfully, she's much improved since then and leaving under much more favorable circumstances. I'm very excited to hear about all of the places they'll visit, people they'll meet, and raw foods information they'll share along the way with all of us.

Let's take a quick, closer, peek at some of those snacks! Many of the products shown below are snacks that we consume -- some regularly, some as rare treats, and a few items we've never tried. Some highlights include:

  • Olive oil and salt:? For salads, dressings, etc.
  • Hunza raisins (never tried, so we'll let you knwo how they are). Are you familiar with the Hunza culture? We'll have to do a post on that some time, as it's fascinating.
  • Pistachio nuts -- divine!
  • Hemp protein -- great for smoothies (even though I've locked down the Vita-Mix -- she's not taking it with her!!)
  • Nut butters -- for times when they're wanting something a little heavier
  • Wild Bars -- divine, ultra-rich, and a real pick-me-up.
  • Love Force brownies/bars -- the blend of mint and chocolate is delicious and refreshing
  • Lydia's Organics' cereals and snacks -- tasty, healthy breakfast and snacking
  • Gopal's Power Wraps -- these dehydrated nori-wraps are always good for a quick mini-meal (Wendi loves the vegan Curry flavored ones best)
  • Love Force breads -- you'll see a LOT of these in the picture. If you've been following our blog for a while, you've heard about these breads in some posts and videos. They're the perfect snack and base for your raw sandwiches! In Wendi had to select one snack only, these would be it!
  • Botija olives -- manna from heaven -- there's no other way to say it! Try the herbed ones and the ones with aji (a spicy pepper powder). you've heard Wendi talk about these many times.
  • Ulimana chocolate truffles -- about as decadent as you'll find in the raw world.
  • Gone Raw nuts - -a bit addictive, but a perfect snack.

All of these can be found at Natural Zing -- We really appreciate Natural Zing's continued support and hope that, if any of you are looking for raw food snacks or other supplies, you'll consider shopping at Natural Zing!

Original Comments

Below, we have included the original comments from this blog post. Additional comments may be made via Facebook, below.

On February 22, 2010, bitt wrote:

that saves you from doing so much prep! usually I try to make tons of that stuff before i embark on a trip.

i was a little worried about wendi and how she felt before going on this big adventure. thanks for reassuring me she's ok.

hunza raisins are very good! nice and sweet. i'm hooked on them!

On February 22, 2010, WendiDee wrote:'re so sweet, Aimee! I still don't have full range of motion in my shoulders and my tone/strength isn't completely back in my upper arms, but I'm okay for driving, now.

I figure there's no better physical therapy than being away from home and having to move/do things out of necessity. I'll be fine...knowing that all things work out for the best. :-)

I hope you've been feeling well, too!

*blows kisses*

On February 22, 2010, bitt wrote:

you're so brave and strong! just be sure to take plenty of breaks and take care of yourself.

i have been feeling pretty good but i get flare ups so i have been very cautious. i'm just enjoying the good days!

love to you, aimee

On February 23, 2010, debbiedoesraw wrote:

Oh man, I hope they don't munch it all before I get a taste of some of those goodies! Natural Zing is SO awesome, Jeff is really a great guy!
Can't wait to hug Wendi and KD Cat in person and take them on a whirlwind tour of Raw LA et al!
love love love

On February 23, 2010, debbiedoesraw wrote:

Wendi! We will take good care of you.. you can rest all you need to, no worries here at Hotel Young!
our casa es su casa..
love you deb

On February 23, 2010, hihorosie wrote:

Wow! you are set! So great all the support you're receiving. Time to hit the road - be safe in your travels and have fun! Even though we will miss you this go-round we'll see you soon!

On February 23, 2010, debbiedoesraw wrote:

psssst hey Jim.. don't tell Wendi and KDCat.. but tell me, what is Wendi's favorite raw meal/treat? I want to make a little something special!!!!
deb xo

On February 23, 2010, Jim Dee wrote:

lol... will email you. :-)

On February 26, 2010, Jovana wrote:

I wish South Africa had something similiar. Honestly, I'm feeling a bit discouraged at the lack of information and support in South Africa. I've done a very intense search for RAW vegan treats that I could buy. I work, study and still do extra-curicular activities, so my time is limited.

There is absolutely NOTHING. I guess I'm going to have to sit down once a week, and work magic to prepare for snacks for the week ahead. I bought a dehydrator but I'm still waiting for it to be delivered :) It looks so yummy! lucky ducks (or cats !) :D