Know Any Literary Animal Lovers?

Hi there PureJeevan readers! We wanted to let you know that Jim's new novel CHROO is available on Amazon. It's a crazy adventure involving a billionaire heiress, her Chihuahua BFF ("Chroo") and a host of human and animal characters. Find out more on Amazon! Here are some links:

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I think it's going to be harder to update on the weekends, but I'll try to get here as many days to comment as possible.

This weekend I'm going to clean out the pantry. I'm not going to go crazy and get rid of everything (like I've done in the past). I *am* going to get rid of things that aren't eaten pretty regularly, however. If I'm successful with getting that done, I'm going to do the same for our bathroom linen closet and medicine cabinet. Then, if there's still a lot of motivation to continue with the purging, I'm going to go through our cleaning supplies. I have many old, non earth-friendly cleaners that have been in the house for years that I don't use anymore. I want to get rid of all of those things, too.

For breakfast this morning, I'm going to make up a really pretty fruit salad with strawberries, blueberries, mint, and maybe some banana and/or apple. Oh, maybe we can juice the apple with a little carrot and celery. I'll see if my husband feels like juicing--he has become the juiceman in our home. Even though he's giving up negative signals about me going raw, he's into juicing and eating all the healthy veggies we've been getting from the local farm each Thursday. He's probably going to want to get a bagel this morning, though, because he adores bread and has made it his tradition to get bagels every weekend morning for himself (and our daughter). I don't care for all that bread, though. It sits too heavy in my stomach and later I get a headache, as though I need to eat something, but I'm not hungry.


Feeling today: (I think I'd like to keep track of how I'm feeling each day, too)

* Woke up refreshed and somewhat early (had about 8.5 hours sleep, instead of 9)

* Shoulder hurts a bit

* Skin feels a bit smoother

* Eyes a bit tired, burning a bit

* Lower back aching a little (could be PMS)


Currently learning from:

* Continuing with Creative Health Institute's program.


Eating today:

* Strawberries, blueberries, bananas, fresh peppermint

* Cashew-blueberry butter for eating with fruits (sweetened a bit with a date)

* Zucchini "pasta" with basil pesto sauce (YUMMY!)

* 3/4 of a raw snack bar

* Zucchini "pasta" with basil pesto sauce (Yes! Again!)

* Glass of carrot, beet, apple, beet greens juice